Brennivin Aquavit 1L
About Brennivin Aquavit
Iceland. It’s a funny place. It never figured prominently in our history books or on the news or plastered across the cover of our travel magazines. But, its wild, rocky, naturally beautiful, volcanic island isolated in the north Atlantic has captured American attention, especially recently. And Iceland’s under-the-radar persona seems to be fading as American travelers and media discover an island rich in history and tradition.
Brennivin is but one small piece of that rich story. Through the late middle ages, Iceland was ruled by the Danes. In 1602, the Danish Crown put a new embargo on Icelandic trade in place, forcing Icelanders to trade solely with a few Danes friendly with the crown. Packed ships sailed for Iceland with the provisions needed to sustain its burgeoning population.
One of those provisions was alcohol! But, mead and beer took up too much space. So, enterprising traders created “brann-vin” or burnt wine. This rudimentary distilling technique created spirit that was *ahem* challenging.
But, all was not lost, the Icelanders infused the spirit with local herbs. What crops can survive the harsh Icelandic winter? Caraway! And so, aquavit, or rye bread in a bottle as I like to call it, was born.
Today, nothing is more emblematic of Iceland than caraway-flavored Brennivin Aquavit. It remains a favorite of travelers to Iceland who often bring the ubiquitous bottle back as a keepsake. And, lucky for us adventurous Americans, since 2014 this unique bottle has been professionally (i.e., not in your checked luggage!) imported into the US.
And today, there is almost nothing else like Brennivin Aquavit on the American market. It’s caraway flavor is unique, and it can unlock unique cocktails where that flavor can shine. Don’t be afraid to try adding this to your favorite whiskey, especially rye cocktails to create one-of-a-kind riffs and twists.
Recommended By Max Miller
This spirit packs a punch that is only softened by the mild caraway flavor. Drink it ice cold and neat, or use it as you would gin to change up your favorite cocktail.
Suggested Serve
- Curiada recommends adding aquavit to rye for an excellent, inventive take on that classic cocktail, the Old Fashioned.
- Try a Brennivin Aquavit Negroni Cocktail
1L & 80 Proof